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来自 : max.book118.com/html/2018/1013 发布时间:2021-03-25

Nicole 2013.5.31 1. Give Jane this watch. Give___this one, too. 2. Give the children these ice creams. Give_____these, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give___this one, too. 4. That is my pencil. Give___my pencil, please. 5. That is my coat. Give___my coat please. 6. Those are our umbrellas. Give___our umbrellas please. Give me … Which one / ones ? That one / Those ones …. Here you are. /?u/ Oh! no OK old go both those over hotel photo show coat Listen to the video for Unit 14, 30 minutes; Make 5 sentences (P112, Sentence Table) * Unit14 新概念青少版1A-DVDUnit14_Lesson27.flv ..\\..\\I have a dream.flv Karen: Give me that jar, please, Robert. Robert: Which jar, Mum? This one? give sb. sth 给某人某物 give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 give 后接人的宾格 her them him me me us Karen: No, not that one. The one on the table. The empty one. on在上面,under下面,between中间,in里面behind后面,next to旁边,in front of在前面 Robert: Here you are , Mum! Ready? One, two, three, catch! Karen: No, Robert! Stop ! Robert: what’s the matter , Mum? Karen: I can’t catch it! Bring it here, please! 时间是在spring(春天); 响起曲子during(在…期间); 新郎取出ring(戒指); 专为新娘bring(拿来); 还栓跟红string(线); 虽然丧失hearing(听力); 显出出众bearing(风度). Robert: Here you are, Mum! Karen: Thank you, Robert! slow、snow、 bowl、window ?boat 、?goat 、road *
2018年10月14日Make 5 sentences (P112, Sentence Table) * Unit14 新概念青少版1A-DVDUnit14_Lesson27.flv ..\..\I have a dream.flv Karen: Give me that jar, plea...新概念,英语,青少新概念英语青少版1A-Unit14.ppt,Nicole 2013.5.31 1. Give Jane this watch. Give___this one, too. 2. Give the children these ice creams. Give_____these, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give___this one, too. 4. That is my pencil. Give___my pencil, please. 5. That is my coat. Give___my coa新概念英语青少版1A

本文链接: http://karen1013.immuno-online.com/view-739879.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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